project information

We are investigating what UEFI certificates exist on systems and what the impact may be as they all have expired. With virtualization and other technology out there, we are seeing computers remain in service longer than ever.

If you are a normal computer user, there is likely nothing for you to do but if you are a computer enthusiast, you can scan your computer and upload data to our dataset.


Right now the code is available at github.

Recently seen certificates are available on this page

How did we get here?

Many machines are using UEFI booting these days, primarily in the datacenters. While many of these are likely to have a long uptime it's possible to have a large scale event that disrupts a whole area at once.

My speculation is that we may have a problem booting in the future if the certificates used to sign have expired or no longer validate. This is unlikely based on my current knowledge of how the UEFI boot process works. The signature matters more than the timestamps, as UEFI typically initalizes before the RTC (realtime clock) is available.

Reporting issues

Please use the issue tracker at github to report any issues.